Friday, August 18, 2017

Right-Wing Civil War?

Nah! Trumpsky would smear the shit out of Bannon, and Bannon has been
handsomely paid off anyways, so everybody will just stay mum. Not to mention,
I suspect Bannon will spend more time instead trashing all those globalist cucks
in Congress. On them, Presidents Stupid and Bannon can agree.

In the meantime, I agree with John King: Nutty-as-fuck President Stupid will
continue his reality teevee presidency, complicit GOP leaders will cower in their
corners, and CNN will continue debating about how nutty-as-fuck President
Stupid is and/or will continue to become.

I mean, afterall, it's been ratings gold for CNN and MSNBC! Why stop the
gravy train?

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