Monday, November 27, 2017


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Call Your Senators: (202) 224-3121

Breaking: President Clinton Resigns!!

Any Traitors to the Nation?

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What Steve Benen Said...

via Maddow Blog:

For those who paid any attention to the Virginia race, it’s obvious the president’s message is wrong. It’s equally obvious that Trump has no real sense of loyalty to anyone but himself. But most importantly, GOP candidates were reminded that if they’re counting on Trump to give them an election boost, this isn’t a president who can deliver – even for those who stick to the Trump script.

And that leaves the president’s partisan allies in an exceedingly awkward position. If they start moving away from Trump, the GOP’s rabid base will punish them. But if Republicans continue to carry water for Trump, the party will face a backlash, just as they did yesterday.

Wow, it is morning in Amerika!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Happy Daze!


What Dr. Krugman Said...

via NY Times:

It really is amazing to watch this chaotic horror show play out at the highest levels of a great nation’s government. But I guess this is what you have to expect when you hand over the reins of power to a con man, whose whole career has been based on convincing naïve marks that he’s a brilliant deal maker, but turns out to have no idea how to actually govern.

Oh, wait — did you think I was talking about Donald Trump? I’m talking about Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, an obvious phony who nonetheless convinced the rubes — that is, much of the news media and the political establishment — that he was a brilliant fiscal expert. What we’re witnessing now is the end of the charade, the political equivalent of what happened when graduates of Trump University tried to get some value in return for their money.

On Thursday, House Republicans unveiled a tax “reform” bill with the same good order and careful deliberation with which they unveiled their various attempts to repeal Obamacare. That is, after having had years to prepare, the G.O.P. waited until the last minute to throw something together, without any hearings or serious analysis.

"You must remember this...."

Good Sunday Morning!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Today's Terrific Tweet!

Part of which is terrifically stupid of course.

Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious...

...if you time-traveled from the 1960s only to discover that Amerika is waaaay
more fucked-up than you could have possibly imagined it ever being? 😏

Earth 2

Only one thing worse than an asshole...

...and that's a wilfully ignorant asshole.


If Democrats can work hard enough to screw up an election, they'll certainly
give it their best shot. Every fucking time!