Saturday, October 28, 2017

Hope Springs Eternal!


Hail Mary!

The Party of Trump

The typical Fox viewer is...

Great Tune!

Who knew the swamp was so scary?

And so it begins...

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Perfect Horror Story

Patriots Win! Patriots Win!



And that's putting it mildly. These thugs are seriously desperate now.

Mark, Mark, Mark...

Hey Look! It's the 1880s Again!

Clinton Uranium One Theory Doesn't Make Any Sense

A conspiracy theory involving uranium, Russians, bribery and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton managed to trigger a congressional probe this week. But if the story seems unbelievable, well, that's exactly what it is, some expert observers said. “I have to say that this is one of those things where reasonable people cannot disagree: There just…

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Old fart from Iowa...

...outs himself as a Trump-Russian asset. Amerika has become a
traitor's paradise. Believe me. Sad!

Today's Perfect Quote

"I used to think "Tomorrow is another day" with hope. Now it's with the
knowledge that the dull thrum of the continued blabberings of a belligerent
buffoon will always be in the background." ~The Rude Pundit

Too Soon?

Being a Republican politician...

...requires lying your ass off. It's essentially the total package. Go figure!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Cambridge Analytica

A name you won't soon forget.

Having Fun Now!

Oh Lord, Trumpsky, Just Utterly Full of Shit

It's Opposition Research, Stupid!

What His Rudeness Said

via The Rude Pundit:

What could they do? If they were really brave, they'd say, "Yeah, you know what? Fuck the Republican Party." And they'd bail, offer to caucus with the Democrats for the rest of their terms, even if it defies their core ideology (as if supporting Trump didn't), and get Susan Collins or Lisa Murkowski to do the same. Thus that changes the leadership of the Senate and puts a halt to Trump's agenda and a mighty big fucking check on his power. Obviously, Republicans aren't gonna do anything about Trump. Otherwise, senator after senator would have risen after Flake to say they agree. If Republicans are the cowardly shitheels that Flake described, why stick with them?

Or they could have called for impeachment proceedings to begin. They could have said that the president has committed many high crimes and misdemeanors, and, c'mon, people, we fuckin' impeached Clinton for lying about a blow job. What the fuck is wrong with us now?

Not only are Corker and Flake moral cowards on this count, but, fer fuck's sake, they both eagerly support every effort by Trump, having both voted for gutting the Affordable Care Act, for the cruel budget agreement, and for every shitty administrator and judge Trump has nominated. Perhaps we should hold off on the hosannas until they fucking do something to prove they hold the beliefs they speak of. Maybe we can stop giving them rhetorical hand jobs because they said shit that we like.

Because right now, it's just words. And, sorry, that's as good as nothing, as good as a series of tweets into the abyss.

Five Voices...

...should make all the difference, yes?

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

And the more things change...

It's good to know that Senator James Risch...

...has joined the Russian traitor caucus within the U.S. Senate.

Our so-called president... seriously cuckoo!

Signed, Sealed and...

Trumpsky is now well on his way to total collapse. In fact, I'm hearing
faint, distant calls for his resignation right now. 😏

Treasonous Tuesday!

Traitor Tuesday!

Getting damn close to Mueller Time, I reckon.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Crowd Punching a Nazi

Kill Me Now, Scully!

Banana Republic, Here We Come!

And universities have the right...

...and responsibility not to allow hate speech on their campuses.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What Year is This, Anyway?

Having Fun Now!

Why the Diversion?


Republicans Doing What They Do Best:

Making a mockery out of democratic government.

Trumpsky got...

...some news today, oh boy.

Trumpsky Translated

Umm...Iran has the best government in the world?

Monday, October 16, 2017

Wishful Thinking?

More like delusional mush. But, hey, hope springs eternal!

The Trump-Russia Probe Could Make Clinton President

Sure, it's been more than 340 days since Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, but there's still one very narrow, highly unlikely and entirely unprecedented way that Clinton could become president. And it has some Democratic die-hards dreaming again. Harvard University professor Lawrence Lessig offered a Clinton path to the presidency on Medium, putting forward a series…

Talks a Good Game

Full of Shit

The GOP Devolution Continues

"A deranged animal" seems fitting

Sunday, October 15, 2017

"There is nothing new under the sun."

Let the Presidential Rage-Tweeting Commence!

Glad That's Settled!

Just Because

It Is!

It's the weekend so yeah...

Cue the Crickets from the White House

Friday, October 13, 2017

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Fuck You Caucus

It's Politics

Really evil politics.

Trolls in Russia

Coming soon to a ballot "box" near you!

Utterly Full of Shit

But exceptionally well-rehearsed, I must say. Nice racoon cap too!

Today's Quotable Tweet

And it's a whopper!

Climb Aboard the Carson Crazy Train

Today's Best Quote

"They [Republicans] can still get what they want while the madness unfolds.
Nothing matters until they have re-established Gilded Age economics married
to Jim Crow social policy." ~Charles P. Pierce via Esquire

Only a glimmer...

Where is the success?

President Stupefied!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

You Broke It, You Own It!

What Charles P. Pierce Said:

Habitues of the shebeen better get used to this right now because I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a lot of this. Desperate conservative Republicans trying to get out from under this president* by pretending they weren't complicit in the entire decades-long accommodation with unreason and fanaticism that made a president* like him not only possible, but inevitable. We're going to see a lot of people claiming immunity from the prion disease with bits of the monkeybrains still visible on their chins. We will not be buying this here in this establishment, nor will we be buying the argument that "reasonable conservatives" will save us from the catastrophe in which they all are wholly complicit, and that certainly includes Bob Corker, who thought Scott Pruitt was aces for the EPA job, and who thought Merrick Garland unfit for the Supreme Court because a Democratic president had nominated him, and who is now crawling from the wreckage he helped create.

More of this, please!

This probably goes without saying or repeating...

...but, at this point, the Republican Party is no longer a legitimate political
organization, it is now simply a criminal enterprise.

President Stupid likes to tweet a lot

Too bad it's all insane drivel dedicated to only to trashing and dividing.

Trumpsky Sets the Record...

...for being deeply and pitifully insecure, yes?

Today's Twitter Advice

Monday, October 9, 2017

Columbus Day Always Sucks

So today, a little Indian history (not the made up crap), and we'll call it a day.

via Vincent Schilling from Indian Country Today:

Do history books written by white folks tell the truth about Natives? We think not. Here are just some of the lies they tell.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Former President Steve Bannon...

...plans to primary every GOP incumbent Senator in 2018 except for
Ted Cruz.

Apparently Ted is already nutty and racist enough. 😏

Fox News Strikes Again

Good deal, but so weird. Fox keeps veering into libtard territory.

Corker Smackdown

A retiring Republican politician is an honest (and brave) politician.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Rigged Election?

Most likely, the 2018 mid-terms will be the most corrupted election ever. The
Republican Party will do whatever it takes to win--no holds barred.


It's curious how President Stupid embodies...

...the collective attitudes of the 90 million Americans who never vote.

Lose-Lose...and Lose

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Wow! My Boyhood Rock 'n Roll Hero!

America Down the Crapper

One flush at a time.

Only the Metaphors Change

You have to wonder...

...if Frank Luntz started this meme.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Today's Best Tweet

That very definitely speaks for itself.

MSM Back to Being the GOP's Propaganda Machine?

via Media Matters:

The October 1 editions of all the Sunday political talk shows failed to discuss the news that several White House officials in the Trump administration used private email accounts to conduct official government business, making themselves vulnerable to espionage from foreign entities.

On September 25, The New York Times reported that at least six White House advisors, including Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus, had used personal email accounts to conduct official government business. The Times’ story followed a Politico report that Jared Kushner, a senior advisor and President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, had used a private email account to conduct correspondence related to White House matters. Even though the story that White House advisors used personal email accounts for official business was reported several days ago, ABC’s This Week, CBS’ Face the Nation, CNN’s State of the Union, Fox Broadcasting Co.’s Fox News Sunday, and NBC’s Meet the Press all failed to discuss it during their Sunday morning broadcasts.

Another one of those (gun) daze

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Even the home of Bullshit Mountain...

...thinks Trumpsky's tax cuts are bullshit.

Just another day... the life of fucking President Stupid.

Geez, even Curt Schilling...

...thinks Trumpsky is a incompetent dolt.

Amazing what the prospect of retirement...

...can do to a politician's way of thinking.

Ah Yup!

Off the Bus...Maybe

Not entirely sure why Kasich doesn't run as an independent. He could siphon
a whole lotta votes from Repubs and Dems.

Breathtakingly Pure and Simple

Wait! Who's Driving the Bus?!

I'm going with "mob." The word fits in any and all instances. 😏

via ABC News:

President Donald Trump says he told Secretary of State Rex Tillerson that any negotiations with Kim Jong Un, whom Trump called “Little Rocket Man,” are a waste of time.

In an apparent response to news this weekend that the U.S. has open channels of communication with North Korea, the president also tweeted Sunday that Tillerson should save his energy because the U.S. will “do what has to be done.”