Saturday, September 30, 2017

Funny thing though...

...not a peep from Republicans in Congress or nationally. Crickets.

All on down the line...just remarkably shameful behavior.

We interrupt the Trumpsky rants...

...about his hurt hurricane fee-fees to provide you with some
governmenting stuff.

As Cowardly Rethuglicans Shamelessly Shudder

My sentiments exactly

Here's a thought...

Just a reminder...

It's Always About Trump (Poor thing)

Today's Best Quote...

...makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever. And so it goes.

“The loss of life, it’s always tragic. But it’s been incredible. The results that we’ve had with respect to loss of life.” --President Stupid commenting on Puerto Rico.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Poor Deplorables Sad! Believe Me!

The Never-Ending Trainwreck

Connecting the Dots

100% Full of Shit



GOP Tax "Reform"

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Everybody Hates Donald

Next Stop? Banana Republic!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

Eyes on the Prize, Please

The football protest and Trumpsky's godawful response is an important subject
which needs to be addressed, make no mistake. But remember always that
President Stupid is a talented con-artist who specializes in deflection and
distraction. And what, in particular, he's trying to get you to ignore are the three
following issues. Don't let that happen. Don't take your eyes off the prize of
destroying Trumpsky and his despicable minions within the Republican Party.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017

In today's news

So what else is new?

via ShareBlue:

Until now, however, all involved have declined to say plainly what is increasingly clear: Russia didn’t just try to undermine the 2016 election — it succeeded.

Just another corporate sinkhole near you

Let's Dance!

That's because it is...

Friday, September 22, 2017

Puerto Rico Hurricane Disaster

Here's some sites where you can donate.

Good Friday Dump Day

Dead on Arrival?

It would seem so. In fact, I doubt very much if McConnell even brings
it to the floor for a vote. I mean, why make it any more obvious that
the GOP is a party full of losers?

No, Not Really

Defense Secretary Mattis is running this show--ultimately. If Trumpsky
insists, a military coup will ensue.

Most Assuredly!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kill Trumpcare: 202-224-3121

Having Fun Now


GOP Death Panel Strikes Again

Use the Trumpcare Tool Kit and tell 'em, "Hell no!"

And the torture never stops...

Committee to Investigate Russia

Visit the site here.

President Stupid is Insane

Monday, September 18, 2017

Prepare for a Trumpsky Freak-Out!

via CNN:

US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official now at the center of the Russia meddling probe.

The government snooping continued into early this year, including a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.

Mueller is hanging it all out there now. I have to believe it's a genuine attempt to
pressure Trump into resigning. And to encourage Republican politicians to begin
calling for our so-called president to step down.

Fox News: We Sexually Harass; You Decide!

via Raw Story:

Former Fox News contributor Scottie Nell Hughes on Monday filed suit against the network, claiming she was raped by Fox Business Network host Charles Payne and then targeted by by executives for retaliation after coming forward with the allegation, the New York Times reports.

According to her lawsuit, Payne “pressured” his way into Hughes’ hotel room and forced her to have sex. She claims she was forced into a sexual relationship with Payne in exchange for career opportunities and the promise of a business contract that never materialized.

Yep, Facebook is a Definite Player in Kremlingate

Never give up...

...a critical opportunity.

Sunday, September 17, 2017


Just Another Reminder...

Facebook on the Brink?

This Convo Takes a Serious Turn...

...for the worse around about the last one minute or so. It's when Trumpsky
suddenly turns into something normal and acceptable instead of being the
severely mentally ill monster that he is. It's really quite remarkably the lengths
to which MSM will go to avoid identifying and examining the obvious. I wonder
why. Why does MSM continue to be so fearful of this clown?


On the other hand...

Saturday, September 16, 2017

How can we miss you, Bernie Sanders...

...when you won't go away?

Just a Reminder...

Some Rallies are Better than Others

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Ultimate "Wait, What?"


Never Trumpers to voters: We told you so

WASHINGTON — Last year, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz warned that if voters wanted to elect more Republicans who would cut deals with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, "then I guess Donald Trump is your guy." This week, that's what Trump did — and Never Trump conservatives say it's just what they feared. "This is…

Farewell to Cassini

A genuinely awesome tour!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ain't It the Truth!

"It's a horrible thing... have to say about anybody in that office."

Six Weeks of Crazy

Guaranteed to take your breath away!

No matter how Facebook...

...spins this, they're in deep shit within the TrumpRussia investigation. It could
even be catastrophic. i.e., users may leave in droves fearing they're security has
been compromised. Wait and see...

Report: Trump Still 'Ranting' About Comey, Russia

President Donald Trump continues to "rant and brood" over former FBI director James Comey and the Trump-Russia investigation that has plagued his administration, even as he has curtailed his public and Twitter comments on the subject, according to a report by Axios Wednesday. Trump still uses his favorite terms like “witch hunt” to describe the ongoing…

Conservative Howl... sweet music to my ears. 😏

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

What Charles Pierce Said

via Esquire:

Some of the most eloquent voices against this country’s insane fascination with its firearms are the victims of domestic violence and the people who work with them. Of course, those people don’t understand the importance of an unregulated right to bear arms now that we’re all living in the hellscape that exists in the mind of Wayne LaPierre. Sorry about the brute sarcasm, but I’m fed up with living in a country where a massacre doesn’t even make the top of the news anymore.

It's a Beautiful Morning!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Today's Perfect Tweet!

Cheer Up, Everyone!

Our next president will be screamingly funny. And competent too!

The Cats Are Alright!

9-11 WTF?

Not a clue as to why Melania is wearing a red uniform with boob pockets.

Is she on some kind of patrol?

This is Steve Bannon

He appeared on 60 Minutes last night. What did he have to say? I don't know.
I never watch and listen to Neo-Nazis. Why? I've heard it all before.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Facebook Joins Fox News...

...on Bullshit Mountain. And what we know so far about Facebook's
involvement with Russian troll factories is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Obstruction of Justice?

Sitting on the fence for the moment with this. Yes, obstruction would
certainly be easier to try in a courtroom except, generally speaking, a
prosecutor needs to prove genuine conspiracy of intent to obstruct and,
right now, that doesn't appear completely solid. Wait and see!

The Important Question..., of course, is can the buying of ads by Russian operatives on Facebook
be traced to any American confederates, i.e., Team Trump? Time once again
to follow the money.

That's Gotta Sting!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Trumpsky's Political Signals

Hate to put words in Fareed's mouth, but I think what he's saying is that
Trumpsky is now incapable of governing so all he can do is send out
political signals to his base.

And, I think, to the nation as a whole, President Stupid is also reduced to
creating calamity and chaos as some kind of punishment for those who hate
him--an endless series of emotional gut punches, if you will.

Let's call it the Trumpy's Toddler Strategy. 😏

And the more things change...

...the more the GOP stays the same: Determined to Benghazi their way out
of taking any responsibility for governance.

What Lindy West Said

This is hilarious and right on the money. Read the whole thing!

via NY Times:

Ivanka Trump, first daughter, strode into Washington back in January with big promises: She was passionate about helping “working women,” she said, and she was going to close the gender wage gap even if it killed her.

Well, not if it killed her, not literally, but even if it mildly inconvenienced her, she was on it 110 percent, for the women. Well, not if it mildly inconvenienced her, she’s very busy, but definitely if there was a wage transparency policy already in place, she would not openly and glowingly support overturning it.

Well, unless her dad wanted to overturn it because doing so satisfied two of his top 10 vindictive fixations (constraining women’s independence and destroying the legacy of America’s first black president), but Ms. Trump would absolutely offer a better replacement solution, such as saying the words “child care credit” and “female entrepreneurs” repeatedly near a camera while wearing a blush-pink toggle coat. That, ladies, is the Ivanka Guarantee. Enjoy your money!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Scum Trump

The upside and downside to freedom of speech... when you hear someone very politely proclaim something that
is quite obviously indecent and insane. Wouldn't it be nice if there
was some limit when one may be allowed to proclaim, "OK, in spite
of how 'normal' you may sound, what you are proposing is indecent
and insane so, ah...please leave and do not return until you
can offer a more humane response."

I mean, seriously, should we really need to continually point out how
unbelievably insensitive and barbaric the Republican Party has become?
Can't we just shut them down automatically, then maybe they'll get the
hint at some point to begin responding like normal human beings?

Or is that too much to ask from the people whose salaries we pay?

What Juanita Jean Said

via Juanita Jean's:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions was sent out to announce the repeal of DACA because God only knows what Trump would have said and this had lots of big words. Sessions said Obama did not care diddle squat about the rule of law. Hell, Sessions, Trump doesn’t even know what it is.

Just like I predicted, this is about Obama. Sessions spent the first half of the speech
lambasting Obama and the whole second half of the speech was about how wonderful Trump is. Sessions even gave Trump credit for the reduction in the number of people from Mexico trying to get into the United States. Damn, fool. Most people are trying to get out.

Then he said this:

"Societies where the rule of law is subject to political whims and personal biases tend to become societies afflicted by corruption, poverty, and human suffering."

I think he just described Trump.

This is the cruelest thing the United States has done in my lifetime and I promise you this: I will not stand idly by and let them removed DACA Dreamers from my hometown.  These kids were vetted, they have to stay in school or employed, they had to pay $500 plus attorney fees to apply, they cannot have a felony or a serious misdemeanor, and they want to be Americans enough to work for it. They pay social security and they cannot receive any welfare whatsoever, including food stamps.

When they applied, they gave the government their addresses and the addresses of their family members because, dammit, they trusted us. Now we’e going to use that information to track down 800,000 of them and send them to a country most of them have never known.

And from a purely practical standpoint, what are we going to do about DACA Dreamers in the military? Who the hell is going to rebuild Houston?

The above hissy fit was brought to you by Jeff Sessions, the most pitiful excuse for man on planet earth.

Every Mayor in the U.S....

...should be talking like this dude. Every. One.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Having Fun Now!

It's a Devolution

This is Getting Old

Trumpsky appears to be working overtime now to spread his vindictiveness
each and every day. Sad! Mueller Time can't come soon enough.

Today's Inexplicit Quote

“I realize that I come to Italy at a time when many are questioning
whether America is still committed to remaining engaged in the world,
to upholding our traditional alliances, and standing up for the values we
share. I also realize — and there is no point in avoiding a little straight
talk here — that this doubt has much to do with some of the actions and
statements of our President.”

 — Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), quoted by Time magazine, at an
international economic and policy conference in Lake Como, Italy.

30+ Years Later...

...and America remains at square one.

We're a confederacy of dunces, fer shure.

RIP Walter Becker

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Just Checkin'!

Trumpsky Visits Armageddon

Spent the Day...

...somewhere near Jupiter. Beats workin'! 😏

Republicans More Worried About News Media

By an overwhelming margin, Republicans say the news media poses a greater threat to the United States than white supremacists. In a Fox News poll released Wednesday, 69 percent of Republicans said the news media is a bigger danger to society, compared with just 18 percent who responded that white supremacists are more of a problem.…

Friday, September 1, 2017

Nope, Sorry, Fuck the Deplorables

They have never demonstrated even the slightest desire for good-will, for
compromise and unity, for fellowship with all of God's creatures.

Their fate is to be abandoned to America's ugly, selfish, racist past. They deserve
nothing more, nothing less, as does the political party that spawned them.

Trumpsky? Meet Undercarriage of Putin's Bus

So the Russians have signaled that they're fed up with their American
puppet. But the GOP is still hanging in there? Could be some truth to
those "donations" notations by Manafort afterall, huh?

MSM Can Never Help Themselves

via WaPo:

Rather, antifa’s true danger is twofold: First, its violence does obvious and unjustifiable harm, both to free speech and to people and property; second, it tends to discredit, through association, the far broader peaceful movement against racism and hate. That movement must win if the United States is to flourish, and it can win only by upholding democratic norms and the rule of law, even in the face of everything the ultra-right may do to undermine them.

No matter how hard MSM attempts to twist this, it still remains both-sider bullshit.
Besides which, punching Nazis is a healthy activity; think of it as a scorecard that
merely recognizes the correct value of a Nazi's free speech performance.

Pence is Slick...

...; I'll certainly give him that. But pretty sure Mueller's not buying it anymore
(if he ever was). The VP is definitely in deep shit at this stage. Sing and
resign may now be his only recourse.